Tuesday, July 5, 2011

I mean...

...you got the first mainstream Cuban-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy, I mean, that's a storybook, man.


LL said...

--Rubio is a traitor to his race. In fact, everyone who is not a democrat is a traitor to his/her race and/or gender.

And without getting specific on this or any blog, I've seen some cabinet-level CRAP done behind the scenes by the Obama Administration that simply boggles the mind. It's so far out of line - so downright evil - that I'd expect it from a third world dictatorship or the Jeffe of a Banana Republic, but not from an American Administration. It's become a very sorry state of affairs indeed.

Mrs. K said...

MMM...I liked what Senator Rubio had to say. I agree he is articulate, clean looking and very nice-looking guy. We need more Senators and other politians who think like him and who will push their thoughts into action.