Sunday, February 5, 2012

The End is Near...


Mrs. Bannon said...

We need to start storing up on incandescent light bulbs and bag and toss the others....can we declare that law unconstitutional as well as Obamacare?

LL said...

The (Chinese) florescent bulbs are also not as 'bright'. So you technically need more than one to replace each incandescent bulb.

With Congress - we have met the enemy and it is us.

Mrs. K said...

I really like this! And I DO NOT AGREE WITH THE MANDATE OR WHATEVER THEY CALL IT ON INSURANCE COVERING ABORTION AND BIRTHCONTROL AND EVERYONE HAVING TO COMPLY. If people practiced more SELF CONTROL we wouldn't need birthcontrol. If everyone were less SELFCENTERED we wouldn't have abortions to beging with. It is too bad BO's parents didn't practice birhtcontrol.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Turn out the lights ... the party's over.

Mrs. K said...

Those light bulbs are brighter than Congress and we sure don't need any more of them.

LL said...

Mrs. K, I'm beginning to like you...

Race Bannon said...

This, and the carbon trading scam, are from the 'Lost Chapters' of Atlas Shrugged...yes, it was longer.