Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Ladies and Gentlemen...

...the Solicitor General of the United States.   His job, is to argue cases in front of the Supreme Court.


Tyler Rice said...

Finally someone we can believe in!

Tyler Rice said...

It all makes sense now. I've changed my opinion on ObamaCare. Man this guy is GOOD.

LL said...

We live in a parasitic America where looters and moochers are enabled by a government which is intent on buying their votes. Through government programs of confiscation where the government becomes the 'insurer' of last resort, Obama would create precedent for more intrusion into every aspect of our lives. I frankly don't understand how the American public can't see that.

Society stagnates when independent productive achievers are socially demonized and punished for their accomplishments. However, this very goal of the Obama Administration (and all that it represents) is 'made flesh' with ObamaCare. The bill that nobody could read or debate before the vote.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

DUH ... What was the question?

Mrs. K said...

Way too many Americans have their head in the sand.

Race Bannon said...

Yes but, uh, uh, excuse me...yes but, on the one hand...uh