D'Souza Film Success Shocks Hollywood
"...Overall, 2016: Obama's America grossed an impressive $1.2 million last weekend as it upped its theater count from 61 to 169 for a total gross of $2 million, the second-best showing of the year for a documentary after Bully ($3.2 million)." I saw that. "That doesn't include nature documentaries Chimpanzee ($29 million) and To the Arctic ($7.6 million). It's already the No. 12 political documentary of all time -- a market that Michael Moore has cornered."
On Friday, Dinesh's movie "will be playing in 1,075 theaters in an aggressive expansion that comes on the eve of the Republican National Convention in Tampa..."
Vote with your $$. I love going to the movies, it started in 1977 when I went to see Star Wars (and didn't even cry). BUT, I don't go to a lot of movies, because I refuse to give Hollywood my money. I will fork it over for this - 1) it goes to D'Souza, 2) Hollywood may learn that the silent majority, also has a lot of money. The better it does, the more the MSM may report it, the more people will see it...and that can only be good for November.
What will happen by 2016 if the trend continues:
144,000,000 Americans pay no Federal Income Tax. That says it all.
Processing this movie. As a TCK (Third Culture Kid), I can identify with Obama. Returning to America after living embedded in third world poverty against which even America's poor are rich can be traumatic and disillusioning. The amount of food Americans threw away made me sick, let alone how Americans shop and entertain themselves. He and I are Americans, but we are also global citizens. It looks, from the movie, like Obama has chosen law. I eventually chose grace. In this election, Americans will be voting on their own judgment.
PrayFat - Thank you for commenting. I can relate (a little), after returning to America, and being amazed at how much water we waste in a single shower (and sometimes I shower twice a day)...
But rather than focus on America's excess, we should focus on what got her there. Rich and tiny Britain (who hasn't been able to grow enough food to support its own population for well over a hundred years) didn't send us food, they bought our trade...
A country's wealth is not determined by how much money it has, it is determined the resources of its citizens - to build, to create, to improve, to sustain, to teach and pass on...
America isn't lucky or magic, it is the FREEDOM that has allowed our best (for over 200 years) and brightest to pull everybody else along...
I have heard (I will see it tonight) that this is explained a little in the movie...by George Obama.
I grew up in a desert - that is in a two decades long drought, where they say 80% of the forest is in danger of dying (or burning)...yet water for drinking, showering, and watering lawns, still flows down the drains. Why? Because 100 years ago, smart FREE men built a system that will provide water for another several hundred years...
If Obama wanted to help people, he wouldn't take from others, he would teach FREEDOM.
Now I am curious about 2016. Just might spend the $$ to go see it.
where do the proceeds from the movie tickets go??
I saw the movie yesterday. It's a curious sorry, so I'll share some details. I went to see it at 1:05 pm and thought that on a Friday at roughly noon, I might be the only one there. I was surprised because the theater was over 1/2 full (about 80 people). At the end, people clapped.
There wasn't anything in the film that I didn't know before I went. I've done my personal research on Obama. However, it was worth seeing.
Obama has polarized people in this nation more than I've ever seen it. They are lining up along nanny state/free state lines and I don't know who will win, though I'm hoping America will pick freedom.
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