"Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficial. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greater dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding." - Louis Brandeis
Friday, August 3, 2012
I don't normally go to horror movies, but I will make an exception...
The Right needs media like that, when they face a press like this:
His mommy was a communist. His father was a communist. Uncle Frank Marshall was a communist. He is often called a 'utopian socialist' (whatever). Many have questioned whether he has America's best interests at heart. And one can also ask if his America is Jeremiah Wright's Amerika. 21 years of going to that same "Christian" church and donating over a million dollars to that faith-based cause would indicate to many that is where his 'heart is'.
I hope that we don't have another four years of our first post-American president.
It's the conservatives who are to blame for the situation that the country is in. Romney is just another puppet of the capitalist overlords who run the USA. Liberals and progressives such as President Obama have freed us from George W. Bush who caused the economy to collapse in the first place. If you give President Obama four more years, his plan to fundamentally transform America will have a chance to mature and a new era of peace, prosperity and more gentle nation will result.
His mommy was a communist. His father was a communist. Uncle Frank Marshall was a communist. He is often called a 'utopian socialist' (whatever). Many have questioned whether he has America's best interests at heart. And one can also ask if his America is Jeremiah Wright's Amerika. 21 years of going to that same "Christian" church and donating over a million dollars to that faith-based cause would indicate to many that is where his 'heart is'.
I hope that we don't have another four years of our first post-American president.
His whole family were communists.
hey, we sent you those trailers last month!
Uh, maybe you are not as technically savvy as you think you are...
It's the conservatives who are to blame for the situation that the country is in. Romney is just another puppet of the capitalist overlords who run the USA. Liberals and progressives such as President Obama have freed us from George W. Bush who caused the economy to collapse in the first place. If you give President Obama four more years, his plan to fundamentally transform America will have a chance to mature and a new era of peace, prosperity and more gentle nation will result.
1ST: I will not waste my hard earned money nor my precious time on "2016", I am not a masochist.
2nd: I sure hope Kimball is writing with tongue in cheek. Seriously he cannot be serious. If he is serious I will pray for his enlightenment.
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