Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The War Against Taxpayers...

2013 Estimates:

FBI Budget.....................$8.7 Billion    (36,000 employees)
DEA Budget...................$2.9 Billion    (10,700 employees)
ATF Budget....................$1.1 Billion    (5,100 employees)
Secret Service..................$1.6 Billion    (6,700 employees)

IRS Budget.....................$12 billion    (106,000 employees)

I'm just sayin'...


LL said...

As we have hashed out and agreed, the taxation system in the US is bad/wrong and needs to be replaced. With a flat tax system devoid of breaks, loopholes or social engineering, you could reduce the size of IRS to 5,000 employees. 101,000 bureaucrats would be forced into the labor pool and would be required to find a "real" job. That would be difficult because of all of the tax CPA's competing for whatever jobs are out there. Too bad.

But if we did that, who would the Obama Administration use to attack their political opponents?

And without ATF, what would the executive branch do to deprive citizens of their Second Amendment rights? (Don't tell me that there aren't plenty of other federal, state and local officers to enforce constituted firearms laws.)

ATF started out targeting moonshiners and bootleggers. That mission evaporated with the coming of the iron horse... just sayin'.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

How do they live on that?