Thursday, February 6, 2014

That Makes Sense...

"As one of the largest retailers and pharmacies in America, CVS Caremark sets a powerful example, and today's decision will help advance my administration's efforts to reduce tobacco-related deaths, cancer, and heart disease, as well as bring down health care costs -- ultimately saving lives and protecting untold numbers of families from pain and heartbreak for years to come"... Obama

Today, the U.S. Department of Justice announced an update to its federal marijuana enforcement policy in light of recent state ballot initiatives that legalize, under state law, the possession of small amounts of marijuana and provide for the regulation of marijuana production, processing, and sale.

“As has been well documented, I smoked pot as a kid, and I view it as a bad habit and a vice, not very different from the cigarettes that I smoked as a young person up through a big chunk of my adult life. I don’t think it is more dangerous than alcohol," Obama...


LL said...

Obama sets a very low bar for human conduct -- based on his own experience. I suspect that he shares a fatty with his friends and does a line or two, just to be sociable, these days.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Duhwon really doesn't see that anything you put into your lungs other than air is bad? What a maroon.

Grammi Faith said...

Obama is always blowing smoke, from his mouth, from his nose and from his bottom. He is totally full of s--------. (something)