"Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficial. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greater dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding." - Louis Brandeis
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Higher Learning...
Don't waste your hard earned dollars on college...
I don't think that Barack Obama ever saw this video...
Take it from one who knows, it's much easier to be a government drone, lapping from the trough that has been squeezed from entrepreneurs than doing the creative and risky new start ups. (ashimadevices.com)
However, there is a satisfaction that comes with being that person who risks it for big rewards (pre-tax).
And it's supremely disappointing when we have an administration bent on looting those hardy souls who create jobs.
Free market economics only became evil when Marx branded it as "capitalism" and lied that the system was all about feeding the rich. Modern "progressives" have been spewing that lie over and over until too many people now believe it.
I don't think that Barack Obama ever saw this video...
Take it from one who knows, it's much easier to be a government drone, lapping from the trough that has been squeezed from entrepreneurs than doing the creative and risky new start ups. (ashimadevices.com)
However, there is a satisfaction that comes with being that person who risks it for big rewards (pre-tax).
And it's supremely disappointing when we have an administration bent on looting those hardy souls who create jobs.
First time I have heard it explained as it is... Thanks
Free market economics only became evil when Marx branded it as "capitalism" and lied that the system was all about feeding the rich. Modern "progressives" have been spewing that lie over and over until too many people now believe it.
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