Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Could It Be...

That my doppelganger could be the GOP VP Nominee? 


Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Damn, well there you are alright.

LL said...

Does this mean that when the Veep wants to take a vacation, you can step in and be a heartbeat away from the presidency?

LindaG said...

Let's hope he is cut of the same cloth as you, so to speak.
Be safe and Go bless.

Euripides said...

Wow! Give the man a "high powered assault rifle" and you could be twins.

Patti said...

You've got better eyebrows though.

Brig said...

You do have more dashing eyebrows, and a stronger chin...

Grammi Faith said...

You could live vicariously through him and not be in real danger.