Wednesday, November 9, 2016

God Bless America!


Patti said...

Goes the dynamite !

LL said...

Now we have to wager whether she flees the country or faces the music for her many felonies. I say that she runs.

LL said...

Anthony Weiner wasn't there to hold Huma Weiner's hand there at Hillary's concession speech today. What's that about? He's one of the unsung heroes of this election.

Race Bannon said...

His hands were dirty.

What are the odds Huma gets jail time in pay-for-play?

Grammi Faith said...

Sometimes pay back is hell!!!!

LindaG said...

I expect someone will go to jail, but I doubt it will be the Clintons.
I too believe they will leave the country.

I hope everyone that said they would, does. But they haven't yet.

Thank you, Lord!

Be safe and God bless.

Brig said...

Not holding my breath that all those who threatened to leave, will...