"Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficial. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greater dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding." - Louis Brandeis
Between the Times and the Post, you'd think that the nation descended from a well-ordered, well-oiled machine into anarchy as their best predictions of a swift and sure Clintonian victory (and new world order) into the chaos of a return to Constitutionalism.
Prog eltes predict that WE THE PEOPLE are incapable of governing ourselves. Of course, they wouldn't know because they simply 'fly over' the country from one coast to the other. And who wouldn't. The people in the middle cling to God and guns, are dangerously heterosexual, etc. They are certainly deplorable.
Between the Times and the Post, you'd think that the nation descended from a well-ordered, well-oiled machine into anarchy as their best predictions of a swift and sure Clintonian victory (and new world order) into the chaos of a return to Constitutionalism.
Prog eltes predict that WE THE PEOPLE are incapable of governing ourselves. Of course, they wouldn't know because they simply 'fly over' the country from one coast to the other. And who wouldn't. The people in the middle cling to God and guns, are dangerously heterosexual, etc. They are certainly deplorable.
I don't want the stuff they are on, to come up with this sort of stuff.
They obviously forget what they are writing as soon as it goes to press.
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