It's a strange story. I know little about Obama, just because it frustrates me that he was able to win the election despite his statements, his past alliances, his lack of success in anything - and so I have not sought to learn more about him. I'm ready to
As far as the birth certificate. I knew this early on: nobody disputes who his mother was. She was American. He is an American. In my mind, the worst case scenario - there is question as to the father, or he was actually born in Africa. It doesn't matter. Mom never renounced her citizenship, she is an American. Americans that have kids elsewhere merely have to fill out some paperwork when they get back that confirms their child is an American. I suppose this could have happened with Obama. And he, or his advisers, thought an American public stupid enough to elect him, could just as easily be turned off thinking he is not a "natural born citizen."

...oh, the Hamiltons? Some say the debate about the Article II statement "...natural born citizen" was an attempt to keep Alexander Hamilton from becoming president. Considering many things, including the fact that most delegates at the time would hardly have considered Hamilton a likely candidate anyway, is an unlikely reason for the requirement.
...then there was (as mentioned in the article linked above) the United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790, which clarified that foreign born children of Americans - were by birthright - American. Oh...but they were sure to include the fact that the Father had to be American...which Hamilton's was not*. And that, I believe, could have been, in the least, nudged in there by the anti-Hamiltonians.
I'm just sayin'....
*Neither was Obama, but read the article, congress took care of that later. Oh, and the similarities between Obama and Hamilton END THERE. Hamilton was the definition of success and accomplishment, Obama defines something else...and don't get me started on Hamilton as a supporter of 'Big Government' - as you hardly can compare starting a nation, with what we have today - the United States is what it is because of vision like Hamilton's, had Jefferson and the anti-federalists prevailed...I told you not to get me started.
Obama's life was hardly stellar until he found friends who were willing to back his play into the White House. He seems like one of those dull loooosers that you find everywhere.
I'm happy that Trump is re-asking questions about the background that Obama seems to have worked hard to conceal. College transcripts (did he declare himself to be a foreign student to get aid? Who knows? Did he list his faith as Muslim? Who knows?) seem to be another axis of inquiry and I'm interested to see what Trump is able to dredge up.
What I find even more interesting is that a shady huckster like Obama could NEVER survive a security background investigation with polygraph. He would never be considered reliable enough to have access to ANY SORT of classified information. EVER. A bumpkin of that sort who had extensive drug use, a history of open and frequent association with communists and terrorists, would be laughed out the door. --- yet today, whenever he walks out the door, that naval officer carrying THE FOOTBALL is there at his side.
I think our next child should be named Hamilton...boy or girl ;)
Is Mrs. Race Bannon hinting at something in the near future????
Yes, she is learning about history...
If you are inclined to name your next child Barack -- or Hussein or some sort of tribute name like Obama Biden K., please reconsider.
Not a chance...of more kids, or that name.
...however, if I win the lottery (I don't play) I would quit work and I will adopt some more (maybe go for an even dozen), but then they usually come with names.
If you wanted to show your multi-cultural leanings you could always adopt a BABY and name the little guy Osama Obama K. You have to admit that the name has a certain ring to it... He'd grow up to be a tough guy because with a name like that, he'd be in a fist fight every day of his life. At 95, he'd look like the guy in your next post. (Boy named Sue scenario)
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