Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Derned Technology...

Video games when my parents were young...

Video games when I was young...

What my kids can play...

(don't worry, they can go 'old school' - I saw one guy shooting with iron sights...)


Tom said...

This whole event stunk from "go". The timing, the announcement, the quick Muslim burial, the victory laps from the White House, and Obama's complete lack of dignity and humility in the last nine days, including the release of the so called birth certificate. makes me sick to my stomach.
And they call anyone who dares to disbelieve a racist conservative right wing nut.
Take a look at this blog and tell me who the racists are.


nicole said...

Once again, great music.

innominatus said...

I have one foot in the new generation and one in the old school: my Pong game has a night-vision scope and a laser rangefinder.