Friday, November 4, 2011

I Can't Handle This Right Now...

U.S. Pledges Financial Aid for Pakistan

"...Still, the administration insisted it will continue to provide civilian aid to Pakistan, which has fallen from $1.5 billion in the 2010 fiscal year to $1.1 billion this year. The report said next year's levels are uncertain, but the administration reaffirms its "commitment to providing robust, multiyear civilian assistant to Pakistan..."

What is it about the United States, that makes us feel that giving other countries money, will make them like us, help us, etc.  I'm not against foreign aid completely, I'm completely against the way we give foreign aid.  Just like any other government program - is anybody under the illusion that the money gets to those in need?  If so, what % ?

$1.1 billion to Pakistan.  $1,100,000,000 to a country that has nuclear weapons.  A country that has nuclear weapons that has had several coups, and is always on the brink of another.  Hopefully, or money came with some safeguards on those we have the key, or something.

I know this is a play on statistics, and this won't solve problems, etc....but, instead, for one year, lets take that cash, for one year let Pakistan fund Pakistan and fund the adoption of 55,000 children (that's $30,000 per adoption, and would only cover 1/3 of children IN AMERICA in foster care awaiting adoption)

You don't agree?  Then fine, we'll combine the programs, and you can adopt him:


Mrs. Bannon said...

You got my vote!!!

LL said...

The rant begins:
In re adoption. Muslims don't allow infidels to adopt the children of Islam. Having been to that part of the world (not to adopt a foundling), the philosophy is that it's better that the children die than end up in the hands of unclean people such as ourselves.

However, money, no matter the source, doesn't seem unclean to the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

Why don't we let India give them the foreign aid that Pakistan needs? Call it nuclear blackmail if you will. Or they can thump each other with the two dozen or so nukes the they possess collectively. There would be a billion or so fewer mouths to feed on the planet, the place would glow for the half-life of plutonium and background radiation around the globe would roughly double. Since prevailing wind patterns will blow the radiation EAST, maybe China would pony up a billion or three to keep Pakistan from lighting off the nuclear arsenal that CHINA FACILITATED FOR THEM in the first place? All of the Pakistani ballistic missile launch vehicles are Chinese...

End of the rant

Foreign aid is a useful tool for American foreign diplomacy, however, the pockets of third world potentates are bottomless. We need to balance 'cooperation' and reason.

Mrs. K said...

WHAT ABOUT THE GOOD OLE US OF A? Who will contribute to our deficit/defunt budget??? Oh I forgot....China is helping us.

LL said...

Mrs. K - I think that non-minority US Citizens place a poor fourth of fifth in the national agenda. Which is odd, however it seems to be the way that We The People want it to be - right? It's clearly the way we vote.

Race Bannon said...

Where is the SOLID Tea Party candidate who will let Pakistan be Pakistan and let India and Pakistan experience a little mutually assured destruction, and let (force) China to deal with it. Take our money and develop a nice missle shield...

jonathan rice said...

I don't care what you guys say. I'm adopting that kid! lol. where did you find that uncle?