Monday, June 11, 2012

The Difference Between Right and...


...okay, there are many differences.


Patti said...

oh sad. I wonder where he'll move to, now that democracy is dead in the usa.

Josiah said...

But if he truly wants a democracy, there are plenty to choose from in Europe. They're far ahead of our rickety old farmwagon of a republic, in a lot of ways.

LL said...

So the Unions didn't pour everything they had into this one? Somehow I disbelieve the unhappy blue collar worker's numbers.

I'm glad that we live in a Republic and that it's still a Republic.

The Democracy that is modern Greece might accept this guy.

Race Bannon said...

Only in our bizarro world could a an entire party of State Senators flee the state to avoid voting on cost cutting reforms - reforms that lead to millions of dollars saved, jobs saved, then 54% of the union members drop...and the unions still force a recall, in which records are set for voter turnout, giving the same results as the original election - and "the USA is dead..."

If only those teacher's unions would have taught history to the poor shmuck.