Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Atlas is Shrugging...

...in my little world, and then, maybe the big one....

Sorry folks, but after two years if blood, sweat and tears, an opportunity has come up that will divert my attention away from the Internet, and this wonderfully delightful blog (...my sweat, somebody else's blood and tears) for 30 days, hopefully longer.  As things go, this will be a welcomed distraction from the sad state of our politics and the continued meandering of America's Team.

I no longer live and work under the Ninth Circuit (randomly chosen article, but it hit the nail on the head).  However, I managed to find another, smaller, and possibly more destructive criminal's utopia within our great country.  But, while I can't clean up my little corner of it, I'm going to try and save the world...or at least shoot some fish in a barrel.  

[And a special thanks to the ATF - other than Immigration and Customs Enforcement not doing anything about immigration, ATF is the worst (IRS is bad, but for totally different reasons).  The ATF has managed to create a world in which lawyers in Washington D.C. now will STOP the good guys from investigating the bad guys - because the good guys may find out (in said investigation) the bad guys have guns - and that could make us look bad.  It is okay for the bad guys to have the guns, and to kill people, but if the good guys find out...I'm trying to spell it out, while being as cryptic as can be...but suffice to say that F&F will have HUGE repercussions for years to come, and none of those repercussions will address what the actual problem was.]

...Oh, and file this under the "I told you so" category, and later we will determine if I get to say it, or somebody can say it to me.  I pulled out of the market - 100%, everything.  I got out when the DJIA was just under 14,000.  I don't see it as overvalued, well maybe a little, but 'the market' is the future, and I see a gray one on the equity horizon.  Depending on what happens on November 6, it will go down a little and then recover nicely, or it will stay flat...and then sink.  There is nothing the Fed can do, because all the tools are out of the box.  In fact, I would short, if I was allowed to.  We all know what 'real' unemployment is, we all know that the dollar is so low on the teeter totter that it may fall off, we all know that GDP growth is BELOW population growth - technically, we are not in a recession, but that may change, and then we are in the proverbial snowball.  November 6th will just change the angle of the decline of the hill.

...that being said, every downturn, recession, and depression has its winners and losers.  Somebody(s) will do just fine.

...and another thing, if things get really bad, both sides have a plan for gold, the right wants to tie the dollar to it, and the left will TRY to follow FDR and Nixon's lead (since they didn't read their history books).

...okay, one more, what is at the bottom, and can only go up?  Mortgage rates - its FREE money for 30 years.  There is still a glut of bank owned and foreclosed properties, so the housing market will take a while to grow back, and the growth will NO DOUBT be slowed by increased mortgage rates, so its a long term investment...but shouldn't they all be?

I'm just saying'...


LL said...

Have fun, cut a few tentacles from the octopus of crime and don't fret. Politics, corrupt bureaucrats and screwball congressional leaders will still be around for you when you're finished with you efforts.

You can always go Galt, flee to Colorado and join the rest of us in the compound.

LL said...

P. S. We will bitterly cling to God and Guns...

Opus #6 said...

Best wishes, Race. We will see you around. Remember us when you are bored and need to let off steam.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

Dude, we agree on things financial, and my sidebar will tell when you're back. Good luck, and be careful out there.

Kimball said...

I'm wondering what you're thinking about the differences between working for Obama and Romney would be...after the first debate set the record straight on who Romney is and what he stands for.