For many years I have thought of starting a t-shirt and bumper sticker business. All I have to do is buy the machines that print the stuff, hook it up to the computer, buy supplies, start a website, etc., because the ideas for shirts and slogans come every day!
Oh, and at my job, I have to get permission from my employer to make money from another source. They just don't want a conflict of interest. But, EVERYTHING seems to be a conflict of interest.
Now I read that somebody else is living the dream...
NSA, Homeland Security Settle Lawsuit with
"Dan McCall, a St. Cloud State University graduate who operates from a home office, said Tuesday that he has been notified the NSA and DHS folded in their quest to repress his satirical slogans and statements emblazoned on T-shirts, coffee mugs and other merchandise.
According to a Maryland District Court settlement agreement executed Tuesday by the United States Attorney’s office, the NSA will formally issue a letter to McCall’s merchandise producer — — indicating its previous accusation that McCall’s material was in violation of federal law was inaccurate.
McCall also will receive $500 to cover his court costs in filing the suit, with the help of Public Citizen, a government watchdog organization based in Washington, D.C. The agreement stipulates that McCall drop his suit and the NSA and DHS admit no liability to him.
McCall said in hindsight he can call the case “funny” and “goofy.”
“It’s certainly nice to have behind me,” he said. “The reason this got started is because I got angry. I thought it was so silly. ... Once the realization started to sink in that I did make a federal case out of this, you get a little nervous."
Some of my favorites from
Have your wife and kids start a company... That skirts the rules. You are simply a silent and unpaid worker in their effort to express themselves to a weary nation.
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