Friday, June 26, 2015

The Only Thing We Have To Fear...

…Is Words.

"Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them. If at all possible, we must interpret the Act in a way that is consistent with the former, and avoids the latter."

 - Chief Justice John Roberts


LL said...

The Supreme Court is broken. Completely. In the words of Justice Scalia, "pure applesauce". He's a gentleman. I would call it bullshit, but I'm not a justice of the US Supreme Court.

I honestly don't know what to say in regard the federal govt. except to say that it's broken, and I don't know whether all the king's horses and all the king's men can reassemble it in any semblance of a Constitutionally correct institution.

I know that you like your job and I'm proud of you and what you do, but part of me wonders (absent some great experiences) if you might not have found more fulfillment as a Texas Ranger. Working for the feds is much like pounding sand with a hammer.

Grammi Faith said...

AND NOW: they have gone and ruled gay/lesbian marriages constitutional in every state!!! WTH???? WHERE THE HECK ARE THEIR HEADS??? Obviously they never read the Bible that they placed their hand on when they were sworn in. (Hate ending a sentence with a preposition.)

LL said...

When you consider that more babies are murdered by their mothers at government expense in NY City than are born, the gay marriage thing and a national celebration of sodomy (while another brick in the wall) is only a reaffirmation that defective people have made a commitment not to reproduce. That the Supreme Court would do this is shameful, but they do a lot of shameful things these days.

The entire ObamaNation has been deceitful, corrupt and unworthy of the country. But they still want Hillary. Time to build a compound somewhere remote.

Race Bannon said...

Galt's Gulch...