Friday, September 17, 2010

Times they are a changing...

...from Peggy Noonan:

"...First, the yardstick. Imagine that over at the 36-inch end you've got pure liberal thinking—more and larger government programs, a bigger government that costs more in the many ways that cost can be calculated. Over at the other end you've got conservative thinking—a government that is growing smaller and less demanding and is less expensive. You assume that when the two major parties are negotiating bills in Washington, they sort of lay down the yardstick and begin negotiations at the 18-inch line. Each party pulls in the direction it wants, and the dominant party moves the government a few inches in their direction.

But if you look at the past half century or so you have to think: How come even when Republicans are in charge, even when they're dominant, government has always gotten larger and more expensive? It's always grown! It's as if something inexorable in our political reality—with those who think in liberal terms dominating the establishment, the media, the academy—has always tilted the starting point in negotiations away from 18 inches, and always toward liberalism, toward the 36-inch point...."
(read more)

...That's what I'm talkin' about! It's the people in Washington (or those whose lives revolve around it) who say 'you can't repeal Obamacare, but you can adjust it.' No! Repeal it.

...It's the people in Washington who say you can't simplify the tax code, you can only add changes. No! Shrink it.

...It's the people in Washington who say you can't cut the Federal Department of Education, that will hurt the children. No! Cut it.

...It's the people in Washington who say you can't fix Social Security, you can only push its demise further into the future. No! Free it.

If the R's win big in November, which will almost have to include a win in Delaware, the Tea Party movement has to force Change, without it, we have no Hope...


Josiah said...

I think it has something to do with the fact that they're always in Washington. Day after day of living as the tiny minority begins to take it's toll: they begin to think that they really are the minority, not just in D.C., but in the nation as a whole. Thus the thinking, "Well, we are after all only representatives, and if the people really don't want republican principles... If we don't represent the people, they'll vote us out, and we won't be able to do any good..." Which is sadly errant for two reasons.

#1. Republican principles ARE held by the majority of Americans.

#2. The majority doesn't matter any way. We're REPUBLICans. As in, we and our governors are subject and accountable to the Republic, which is subject to the Constitution. We pledge allegiance "to the Republic." Not the majority. Majority only matters in a democracy. Thus, to democrats. Why do our republican governors feel like they have to be accountable to democracy?

Race Bannon said...

Gov. Chris Christie went to a fireman's meeting and spoke in a townhall type situation. I can't think of the proper metephor, but a fat guy that can stand the heat in the kitchen? Anywho...come to think of it, I'll post on this. I know I can find it on the interweb, it was great...