"Experience should teach us to be most on our guard to protect liberty when the government's purposes are beneficial. Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greater dangers to liberty lurk in insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well-meaning but without understanding." - Louis Brandeis
What a politically incorrect cartoon! They referred to Indigenous peoples as "Indians". They referred to God, and indicated that prayer in a group setting to give thanks. How out of pace with the Hollywood crowd is that?
I didn't hear a single mention to the struggling of native people in Africa and there was no black child represented at the table. The white man strikes again.
I'm thankful that we've put all of that behind us, thrown off the yoke of history and have moved forward.
Did you hear? BO forgot to mention God in his Thanksgiving speech. Did you see the smug look on his face with his chin held high? I, for one, would have loved to punch him in his arrogant chin.
What a politically incorrect cartoon! They referred to Indigenous peoples as "Indians". They referred to God, and indicated that prayer in a group setting to give thanks. How out of pace with the Hollywood crowd is that?
I didn't hear a single mention to the struggling of native people in Africa and there was no black child represented at the table. The white man strikes again.
I'm thankful that we've put all of that behind us, thrown off the yoke of history and have moved forward.
i love peanuts.
Did you hear? BO forgot to mention God in his Thanksgiving speech. Did you see the smug look on his face with his chin held high? I, for one, would have loved to punch him in his arrogant chin.
You go Granni!
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