Tuesday, November 15, 2011


***If you haven't seen it, WARNING, the content of this video is DISTURBING***

I think the Right suffers just as much from the cult of personality, as the left. Cain is a very likable guy, he's like your uncle, or a football coach, or a woodshop teacher.  I like him.  I don't want him to be President.  There is no reason a guy like this can suffer all the setbacks he has, and still be in it.  Its racism.  We like him because he is black.  He has surged ahead because the Right is looking for something, someone, to lead. Cain has leadership qualities.  It takes more than that.

If you think, 'Well, I think he can beat Obama,'...he can't.  Because its not just Obama, its the entire main-stream-media, and the clip above was not a hatchet job, it was a simple question.

I know who I support.  I would invite Cain over for dinner, I'm not so sure about my candidate...


nicole said...

Please tell me you candidate's initials are not M.R.

Race Bannon said...

No. I would invite Mitt over for the dinner. He would fit right in. He's mormon...and everbody thinks I am.

Josiah said...

Agreed. The Obama craze ignored his inexperience and emphasized his race (which would have been fine, had they only done the opposite); are we now to do the same, because The candidate is a conservative?

LL said...

I think that Romney will be the Republican choice when the dust settles. He's a RINO, he's sort of a plastic politician, but because he's a RINO, he has a more generic appeal to the mass of voters than others.

Gingrich? Really? --he talks a good game, but he won't get the nod. Cain has the benefit of being black and a good guy, but he falls short. Perry had a lot going for him when he announced. Feet of clay...

Race Bannon said...

I said to myself, 'Self, who would you want if you could pick? No election, no media, just - who would you pick?' And Self chose Newt. I used to think he couldn't get the nod, but I think that he could get some Tea Party support (if Bachmann and Cain were out), and if he stays in it, people who vote in primaries will be faced with Romney vs Newt.

Also, Newt's skeletons are out of the closet already.

...that being said, Romney may have bought this one with his campaign machine, and Romney WON'T have any skeletons.

Newt-Rubio 2012...

Race Bannon said...

Oh, and Newt can come to dinner, I would just have to make sure the boys have something else to do...