Sunday, January 19, 2014


Why are we still in Afghanistan?  The same reason we are still in Germany, South Korea, etc.  Would the Cold War have gone the same if we did not stay in Europe?  Would Asia look the same if we were not in Japan and South Korea?

I do not think so.

It is difficult to say that we should still be in Afghanistan.  But remember, as we are leaving, the Taliban (the ones we fought there) are ready to fill that void when we leave.

Just do not forget that we are still there.  And our soldiers are still putting their lives on the line...


Opus #6 said...

God Bless American warriors. At home and abroad.

LL said...

I was shocked when there was no status of forces agreement when we left Iraq. After all that. The same should be true of Afghanistan but I doubt that Barack will do that either.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

My only regret is our troops are led by this White House.