Monday, January 16, 2012


...some of my favorites, that don't get a holiday.  I'm okay with that, there's no "Alexander Hamilton Day" (outside the Bannon house that is)...

Smarter than the average bear...or proved he's just another bear

Union Spy, War Hero
The single greatest inventor of all time, flavor (and jelly) will never be the same...

Still fighting to be remembered as a great athelete, not just the first...

Reminds us today that yes, it really was like that back then...

So brave while so young...

Stood up by not standing up...
It takes alot to depose a (homerun) king...

Good thing Afros were popular, there is alot of brain up in there...

Hey, hey, hey...I'm just like everybody else

Valedictorian of Carver High School, PhD Physics M.I.T., Blackbelt in Karate, was to record a saxophone solo for upcoming album while in space on mission, Spece Shuttle Challenger, never recorded...

and a Justice For All...


LL said...

And a day off work - with pay - if you work for the government, or a bank or something.

Mrs. K said...

Life/opinions have changed dramatically since I was a little girl growing up in Newark, NJ. It takes courage to step up and step out, to stand up, to be heard, to whisper, to shout.

There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor polite, nor popular — but one must take it because it’s right.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

In my opinion all gave more than MLK.

Josiah said...

And yet, it may be more than only opinion to counter that somewhere near half of these may not have had the opportunity, the stage, nor the inspiration, to do and give "more than MLK", were it not for MLK.

As for those who came before MLK, it could also be pointed out that Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, & John Hancock "gave more" than Hamilton, but were it not for Hamilton, that which they had sacrificed to pioneer very well may not have endured.

That, is why we honor Doctor King.