Monday, January 11, 2016

Well Then…


LL said...

I can't say that this is unexpected. Bill Clinton, impeached rapist out there on the stump with Hillary, preaching for an end of violence toward women. It would be even sweeter if Bill Cosby could join them between court dates. Sadly Sen. Ted Kennedy is dead and can't join the throng in calling for respect for women.

Please FBI, finish the case and get the recommendation for indictment to DOJ - and leak the damned text.

Euripides said...

Ya gotta love the defense that Bill's "indiscretions" have nothing to do with Hillary. Of course they do. She defended his sorry butt through his impeachment and has no grounds to claim that she's a champion of women and women's rights.

Of course, the entire political system is skewed because none of these politicians (nor "The View" women) can distinguish right from wrong anymore.