Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Democrats Try to Hide the Left...

Oops.  Villaraigosa is an idiot, he is trying to become the next not answering any question directly, and just spouting odd talking points.  He was clearly caught off guard:

Who is in the building at this time?  The base.  Who else would be in the convention hall, wearing their t-shirts at this time?  Hopefully enough "Democrats" see what has happened to their party.

They won't.


LL said...

No, the party elite won't get it. They're hanging on by their teeth, hoping the Messiah (who is quietly looking for a house in Hawaii because Chicago has become to dangerous) will carry them through another four torturous years of entitled payments of borrowed money from China.

It's clear from your video that the "Arab Democrats" - at least that's what the sign said - or "Muslims for Women's Rights" (give all American women the same rights as Saudi women) are becoming a big part of the base.

Tyler Rice said...

the video of the key parts of Romney's speech comes on automatically. I thought it was part of the DNC scramble like they were playing sound bites to early. anyway, just goes to show the stupidity of the far left and even the not so radicals. If you accept stupidity, you become it.

Mrs. K said...

How the heck did he come to the conclusion that 2/3's said aye??? What an Andrew Henry!!!!!

Woodsterman (Odie) said...

That looked just like a union meeting. Only count the votes that agree with your position.