Thursday, November 17, 2011

Question #1...

We don't all fit in clear Left or Right political categories on each and every issue.  Some issues are of national concern, others are state matters, and on down to locals and communities.  Listening to the voices of the Democrat party (below) makes me wonder - how many people (actually) agree with them on anything?  The percentage has to be low...

What is the message of OWS? Why should God bless them for their spontaneity (that is a liberal thing, spontaneity is good for spontaneity's sake, regardless of what was spontaneous)? OWS is "focused"? - Doesn't that one remind you of statements made by Eastern European politicians during the Cold War?

This is par for the course for Matthews, but he used the term "Republicans," not "Tea Party," or "Conservatives," or "fringe right" - REALLY? What percentage of Democrats believe Republicans are so filled with hate, that they can't even bring themselves to choose a candidate?  I'm not talking about the anarchists of OWS, I'm talking about your neighbor with the local Democrat sign in his yard.


You are driving around your community, and you see this house:

What do you think/feel?

1)  You are inspired.  Maybe a little in awe, but part of you starts to think that you are proud to live near this.  Part of you starts to think of what it would take for you to acquire this.  Maybe, some of you, start to think what you could do in the future to earn something like this.

2)  You are upset.  Why should somebody live in such opulence, while others nearby, can't.  It's not fair.  It doesn't matter who lives there, or how they got there, its not fair to others.  As long as somebody lives in that house, they should be paying enough taxes to support the needs of those who can't live in that house.

Not everyone fits in one of those categories, I know, but if you had to choose...


Race Bannon said...

Mrs. K - I know what you were going to type, and no, your answer CAN'T be "Its to big to clean."

Race Bannon said...

I know Mrs. K - 'too' not 'to'

Mrs. Bannon said...

It IS too big to clean ;)

Mrs. K said...

You both took the words right out of my mouth. I like small and simple, I always have, ever since I was a little girl playing with my dolls. But if I had to pick between one and two I would pick number 2. What a waste of money, do you know how much it costs to heat/AC a home like that? I could feed and clothe so many orphans in this country with the money it cost to build and maintain that monstrosity. Do you realize how many trips around the neighborhood it would take for Mrs. Bannon to furnish it? Now, if I could have ALL my family living with me in that humungus house, then I would probably think number 1.

LL said...

1. The house is not too big for a staff to clean.

2. Does the house have an indoor pistol or archery range? (I'm trying to decide how much I like it.)

3. The property apparently doesn't have a private fishing lake...

As far as hatred goes, it's very politically correct for a liberal (or any Hollywood actor, but I repeat myself) to hate. It is clearly not politically correct for anyone who disagrees with who they hate to suggest otherwise.

It is a racist act for a Republican to propose a negro as a candidate for any office. It is politically correct for a Democrat to do the same thing.

Once you know the rules, you can operate happily in American society.

Just like it's perfectly politically correct for Al Gore and Oprah to have 30,000 square foot mansions in Montecito (near Santa Barbara) that suck up electricity and drain the water table to service their needs. But it's politically insensitive for a regular business owner to have a house 1/10th the size in a suburb.

Race Bannon said...

LL - What if the answer to #2 were "Yes"? Its in the midwest, so there is a basement...its possible.

Mrs. K - A waste of whose money? The person who sold it to the person who bought it, could take the money and save your HAVE to start thinking past Stage 1. Mrs. Bannon could easily furnish that house, now, whether the choices get final approval...

Patti said...

I'm leaning towards #1 but more in the line of making notes to God about what my mansion in Heaven should look like. Although I'm more of a sprawling Castle kinda-gal, and this little mansion is missing the turrets and drawbridge I am putting my requests in for.

And while I cringe at the thought of the $ that someone is currently investing in this house that could go to Reece's Rainbow, that is their $ to spend, and they get to live with their stuff here...and I get to take mine (souls etc) to Heaven. It all comes out right in the end!